די פסוק האט אנגעזאגט די בשורה צו אברהם, אַזוי צו זאָגן: אין דיר וועלן אַלע אומות געבענטשט ווערן. di fsuk hat angezagt di bshurh tsu abrhm, azoy tsu zogn: in dir veln ale aumus gebentsht vern.
— צום ייד קודם און אויך צום גוי, איין אמונה פאר אונז אלעמען - tsum eyd kudm aun aoykh tsum goy, eyn amunh far aunz alemen
What should be obvious as Jesus was the most devout Jew who ever lived, and is yet possibly, the most suppressed truth in the world, is that Jesus affirmed the Shema to be first of all commandments.
וואָס זאָל זיין קלאָר ווי דער טאָג ווי יאָשקע איז געווען דער מערסט פרום איד וואס אלץ געלעבט, און איז נאָך עפשער, די מערסט סאַפּרעסט אמת אין דער וועלט, איז אַז יאָשקע באשטעטיקט די שמע צו זיין ערשטער פון אַלע מצוות. vos zol zeyn klor vi der tog vi yoshke iz geven der merst frum id vas alts gelebt, aun iz nokh efsher, di merst saprest ams in der velt, iz az yoshke bashtetikt di shme tsu zeyn ershter fun ale mtsvs.
Hear O Israel, the Lord is Our God. The Lord is One...
הערט, ישׂראל, יהוה איז אונדזער גאָט, גאָט איז אײן. hert, isral, ihuh iz aundzer got, got iz eyn.
And the 2nd is like unto it; Love your neighbor as yourself.
און דער 2טער איז ענלעך צו אים; ליב דיין חבר ווי זיך. aun der 2ter iz enlekh tsu im; lib deyn khbr vi zikh.
On these 2 commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
אויף די צוויי מצוות הענגען די גאנצע תורה און די נביאים. aoyf di tsvey mtsvs hengen di gantse surh aun di nbyaim.
The world is getting closer to order out of chaos, now going cashless and on the verge of receiving the man of sin, antichrist, just as Jesus, Son of David, foretold:
Assault on the Rock
"...upon this TSUR I will build my Kehillah, my Chavurah (the Community of Moshiach) and the shaarei Sheol (gates of Sheol) shall not overpower it."
"...on this rock I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."
Jerusalem 1st Century AD, THE Faith is delivered to the saints, initially, all devout Jews.
Only later did those believing men and women realize that the Gospel of repentance and remission of sins would be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, before the end of time.
Twelve, Jewish apostles sent not to "make the world a better place" (though that was a by-product) but to turn the world upside down, preaching the God given revelation of Peter who confessed and identified Jesus as...
דער משיח, דער זון פֿון דעם לעבעדיקן גאָט
der mshikh, der zun fun dem lebedikn got
The messiah(the Christ)
SON of the Living GOD Peter's revelation and moreover, Confession, is the rock of the True identity of Jesus, the rock the gates of hell shall not prevail against. The Gospel was exploding, enter controlled opposition and an assault on the Rock, an ongoing, bloody war that rages to this day.(See full Context Matthew 16:6-20 Beware the leaven. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. The enemy, via institutionalized, hierarchical "church" has inverted the rock, creating a fictional, non entity called "god the son" and deceived the whole world. This fictictious, Babylonian character is claimed to be one person of a three person diety, is worshipped by millions and yet nowhere to be found in scripture. An assault on the rock is the surest way to assault the church/assembly. No rock, no church, no assembly. Please visit us at "One Faith of Jesus the Christ" on YouTube
There are believers throughout the U.S. and abroad who have repented and desire to be baptized into the Name of Jesus, who are having a hard time finding Godly men willing to baptize them without conditions above and beyond
repentance and believing with all of their heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Acts 8:37
If you are a devout man, able and willing to baptize in water by full immersion, in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins(Acts 2:38-39; 22:16), please let us know where you are located and the best way to reach you.
The night comes when no man can work.
Don Silva gmail: onefaith
phone: 678-769-0416
Lori Silva gmail: shemabirth
phone: 678-964-1258
"That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."
I John 1:3
And now why tarriest thou? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the NAME of the Lord. Acts 22:16; Revelation 1:5;5:9
"No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
Do you get the idea?
The Everlasting Gospel of JESUS CHRIST
Ancient Blueprint for Local Assembly/ Anatomy of the Body of Christ. (How churches do violence to God's Son and God's saints)
Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. II John 3.